Below are the Rallies and Temporary Holiday Site’s for 2025
Please follow local and BCC signs when near to the site, BCC Areas can not accept liability for the route chosen by your Satelite Navigation System. Steward information will also be provided should you need any help or query regarding a site.
Notice is hereby given that the Derbyshire Area AGM will be held on Saturday 5th April 2025, time and venue TBA
Notices of motion to be sent to Mr K Jackson, 15 Abbey Road, Bingham, Notts. NG13 8EE no later than 60 days prior. Nomination for committee must be given to the above 14 days before the AGM
Individual Membership cards must be shown.
We look forward to seeing everyone on the field for another great season.
The Camping and Caravanning Club
Greenfields House
Westwood Way
Company Registration Number: 445520 England
VAT Reg. No. 238 4588 29